We love our sport and you could love it too!

Whatever your reason, be it to get fit, make new friends, be part of a friendly club, experience camaraderie or just want to row socially, we would love to hear from you.


Who can join the RMA Gig Club?

  • Anyone new to rowing (ages 18+)

  • Anyone experienced in rowing (ages 18+)

  • Social and competitive rowers – we welcome people of all ability

How do I get involved?

Please use the form at the end of this page, or our dedicated Contact page with your name, phone number and whether you have rowed before.

All new rowers get 3 taster sessions before deciding if they want to join our club. Once you have contacted us, we will put you on the waiting list and you will be notified of the next available taster sessions via a dedicated WhatsApp group that we have set up specifically. Once you confirm your availability, we will provide you with the details on what to expect, where to meet and what to bring.

Rowers are asked to pay £2 per row to help towards the maintenance of the gigs, oars and insurance etc. We have found this a fair way as members who use them most will, therefore, contribute the most. Money will be collected before any row.

I’m completely new to rowing, is it for me?

Most people who join the club have never actually had a go at rowing before. We give everyone who is interested the opportunity to have 3 taster sessions on the water to see if you would like to take up the sport. During this time you will be introduced to the boats and the rowing style, giving you the opportunity to determine if this sport is for you or not. These sessions will focus mainly on technique and explain the skills required to become a competent rower.

I’m an experienced gig rower, how do I join?

As an experienced rower you will need to take part in 1 assessment row before joining up – please let us know of your experience as we are always keen to maximise our members' skills and experience! This is generally done with an experienced crew and cox which allows us to roughly ascertain your rowing ability.


What do I need to bring?

The goal of these sessions is to get you used to rowing in a boat. While you won’t be pulling especially hard at this point you should still wear clothes that you are comfortable doing exercise in. It’s much better to wear a few thin layers rather than one thick one as this way you can add/remove layers to keep you at the right temperature throughout the session. If there’s any chance of rain then bring a waterproof. As for footwear you need something which can be done up tight enough to provide support. When rowing a lot of power actually comes from your legs, so it’s important they have a firm platform to push on. Trainers or walking boots are ideal. Finally, don’t forget to bring something to drink!

I’ve had my 3 rows, how do I join?

You can discuss this with any member of the Committee or, again, use our Contact page. You will be required to join the Royal Marines Association as this condition is part of our Club Constitution, complete a simple membership application form and set up a direct debit for our membership. This can be explained in detail with any of our Committee.

How much does it cost to join?

We do not actually have a membership fee. We simply ask our members to make a monthly voluntary donation into a holding bank account within the Royal Marines Association – The Royal Marines Charity. The funds are then held within the charity’s account on our behalf.

This helps the Club cover:

  • Insurance

  • Gigs and Equipment storage

  • Cornish Pilot Gig Association Membership

  • Maintenance costs

  • Administration and website costs

Feel free to download our Introductory Guide to Rowing that summarises all of this information.
